International conferences

Year Title Conference Location Link
03/2020 First evidence of $p\bar{p} \to t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ in ATLAS Moriond EW [COVID CANCELLED] Moriond, Italy
07/2018 Search for Vector-Like Quarks in ATLAS SUSY2018 Barcelona, Spain
05/2018 FATALIC: a fully integrated electronics for the ATLAS tile calorimeter at the HL-LHC Pisa Meeting Isola d'Elba, Italy
09/2016 Searches for new physics in the top quark sector with ATLAS detector Lyon Institute of Origin Conference Lyon, France
08/2015 Searches for new physics with lepton flavors and multi-lepton final states with in ATLAS International Conference on New Frontiere in Physics Crete, Grece
09/2013 Search for Fermionic Higgs Boson Decays in $pp$ Collisions at ATLAS and CMS Physics In Collisions Bejing, China
07/2012 Searches for Beyond Standard Model Higgs Boson at the Tevatron collider Higgs Hunting Orsay, France
07/2011 Tevatron results of High mass Higgs boson searches Particle and Nuclei International Conference Boston, USA
09/2010 Tau lepton identification algorithms and improvements at DØ International Workshop on Tau Lepton Manchester, UK
02/2010 Identification of $\tau$ leptons at the DØ experiment American Physical Society Washinton, USA

Workshops and collaboration weeks

Year Title Conference Location Link
03/2020 Top Quark Physics Prospectives IN2P3 Prospectives IPNL
01/2018 Same-sign with b-jets Analysis: Exotics Approval Closure Exotics Approval CERN
12/2017 Toward the First Measurement of $\sigma(pp \to t\bar{t}t\bar{t})$ ATLAS Physics Workshop CERN
11/2017 Overview of $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ Theory Prediction, Prospects and Implications 4top Mini-Workshop CERN
03/2017 Overview of the ATLAS Calorimeters Upgrade for Phase-II Physics ATLAS France Vogüé, France
03/2017 FATALIC, a Very Front-End Electronics for The Tile Calorimeter Official IDR Review CERN
03/2017 Status Report on FATALIC Readout TileCal Upgrade Week Cap Town, South Africa
11/2016 Overview of the ATLAS Calorimeters Upgrade for Phase-II IN2P3 Project Review Paris, France
09/2016 ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter for the Phase-II ATLAS Week Plenay CERN
09/2016 Upgrade of the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter ATLAS IN2P3 Review Paris, France
06/2016 Search for new physics using events with b-jets and a pair of same charge leptons in 3.2 fb-1 of data ATLAS Approval Presentation CERN
10/2015 Upgrade of the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter CNRS/IN2P3 project review Paris, France
02/2015 Satus Report on same-sign dilepton analysis with b-jets ATLAS Exotics Workshop CERN
09/2014 Final closure approval talk for the $H\to\tau\tau$ paper ATLAS Physics And Performence Week CERN
05/2014 Strategy for the $H\to\tau\tau$ analysis during the Run II $H\to\tau\tau$ / tauID ATLAS Workshop Orsay, France
05/2014 Status report on the $H\to\tau\tau$ analysis ATLAS Physics And Performence Week CERN
09/2013 Recent and future developments on hadronically decaying τ lepton ATLAS Week Plenary Marrakech, Morroco
06/2013 Status report on search for $H\to\tau\tau$ ATLAS Physics And Performence Week CERN
06/2013 Fast simulation and modelisation of $\tau_{\text{had}}$ ATLAS tau mini-workshop CERN
10/2012 Long status report on the $H\to\tau\tau$ and $H\to\mu\mu$ analysis ATLAS week Montreux, CH
09/2012 Fast simulation of the calorimeter in 2012 : progress and on going issues The Integrated Simulation Framework ATLAS Workshop CERN
03/2011 Optimization of VBF Higgs boson search in the $\tau_{\text{lep}}\tau_{\text{had}}$ final state $H\to\tau\tau$ / tauID ATLAS Workshop Oxford, UK
08/2010 Tau lepton identification with 10 fb−1 of data DØ Week Marseille, France


Year Title Institute Location Link
12/2018 The Brout-Englet-Higgs Boson: from the concept to the discovery (English) University of Rio De Janero Nova Friburgo, Brazil
09/2018 Le boson de Brout-Englet-Higgs: du concept à la découverte (French) Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont-Ferrand Clermont-Ferrand, France
03/2017 Le boson de Brout-Englet-Higgs: du concept à la découverte (French) Lycée Chateaubriand Rennes, France
12/2016 Le boson de Brout-Englet-Higgs: du concept à la découverte (French) ENS Cachan Cachan, France
09/2015 Le boson de Brout-Englet-Higgs: du concept à la découverte (French) UTINAM Besançon, France
02/2014 Evidence for $H\to\tau\tau$ in proton-proton collisions recorded by ATLAS LPNHE Paris, France
02/2014 Evidence for $H\to\tau\tau$ in proton-proton collisions recorded by ATLAS LAL Orsay, France
01/2014 How to probe electroweak physics and beyond with $\tau$ at hadron colliders ? LPC Clermont-Ferrand, France
12/2013 How to probe electroweak physics and beyond with $\tau$ at hadron colliders ? LPSC Grenoble, France
03/2013 How to probe electroweak physics and beyond with $\tau$ at hadron colliders ? IPNL Lyon, France
03/2013 Search for $H\to\tau_{\text{lep}}\tau_{\text{had}}$ in $pp$ collisions collected by the ATLAS experiment CPPM Marseille, France
03/2013 How to probe electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism through τ leptons ? IPHC Strasbourg, France
06/2012 Identification of $\tau$ lepton and Higgs boson search in the $\mu+\tau$ final state at DØ Freiburg University Freiburg, Germany
04/2012 Identification of $\tau$ lepton and Higgs boson search in the $\mu+\tau$ final state at DØ IFAE Barcelona, Spain